On January 30, 2019 we have released new version of the PitBullTax Connector with two important improvements. New version number for PitBullTax Software users is PT1.0.1.73. All PitBullTax Connectors will be updated automatically.

Secure Mailbox

As you are probably aware, in September 2018 the IRS had started redacting sensitive taxpayers' data on individual IRS Transcripts. It created a big headache for tax professionals who prepare and e-file tax returns based on the data contained in Wage & Income Transcripts. Up until 2019 unmasked transcripts were mailed only to taxpayer's address on file. Luckily, starting January 2019, tax professionals can request unmasked individual transcripts for their clients as well. This service was originally scheduled to launch on January 7, 2019, but due to the government shutdown was not available until January 28, 2019. PitBullTax Software now supports getting unmasked transcripts from a Secure Mailbox of your e-Services account.

How to request unmasked individual transcripts:

  1. Call PPS (Practitioner Priority Service) at 1-866-860-4259 and request unmasked transcripts sent to your Secure Mailbox.
  2. You would need to have POA/TIA on file or fax the assistor your POA/TIA while on the phone.
  3. The assistor will ask for your SSN, date of birth and e-Services username, along with a client-related information.
  4. Once your identity is authenticated, the assistor will process transcripts request and they will be placed in the Secure Mailbox of your e-Services account. This process usually takes just a few minutes and you can see transcripts even while on the phone with PPS.
  5. After transcripts are placed in your Secure Mailbox, you can login to your PitBullTax Software account, go to IRS Transcripts Delivery > Request Transcripts page and at the bottom of the page click “Check Secure Mailbox" button. If your connector is Online, then unmasked transcripts will be downloaded from your Secure Mailbox within few minutes and placed under View Transcripts page, as well as in the Transcripts folder under Files menu for that client. If your connector is in Ready or Offline status, you would also need to enter a secure code texted to you by the IRS or obtained from IRS2Go app. Once unmasked transcripts are downloaded, you'll get green pop-up notification in the lower right corner.

Transcript Reports in Spanish

To better serve the needs of your clients who may not be very fluent in English, the IRS Transcript Reports package is now available in Spanish too. We have translated the entire reports package, including all IRS transcript codes, footnotes and explanations.

To request reports in Spanish, please go to IRS Transcripts Delivery > Request Transcripts page, select the client you need and check the box “I also want a copy of Transcript Reports in Spanish". Then select transcript type(s), periods and hit the “Get Transcripts" button. Once transcripts request is processed you will have 2 sets of reports automatically generated, one in English and another one in Spanish (indicated by (SP)). Both report packages will be saved on the View Reports page and in the Transcripts folder under Files menu for that client.

If you don't see the latest version of PitBullTax Connector on your PC, here are the steps you may need to follow to update it:

  • If your PitBullTax Connector is launched (you see PitBullTax icon in your taskbar), find the small pitbull icon in the lower right corner of your PC (next to date/time), right click on it and select “Exit". Then double click on PitBullTax Connector icon on your desktop and click “Allow" to update.
  • If your Connector is not launched, double click on PitBullTax Connector icon on your desktop and click “Allow" to update.
  • Once you clicked “Allow" wait a little bit for the update to download, the time to download will depend on your internet connection speed.

If you have any questions regarding this update, please contact our customer service representatives at 877-474-8285.

Learn More

Posted at 02/07/2019 11:15:08 AM